I think the best path for me would be a mixture of both a businessman and entrepreneur. But if I had to choose just one it would be Entrepreneur. Some traits or strengths that I see aligning with my conclusion of entrepreneur would be valuable time with my family and providing for me and my family as well as the idea to never stop learning. These are just some examples of the strengths I see that would make me an entrepreneur instead of a businessman. Some weaknesses though are the fact that to have a career I need to make money to go to college and graduate school. By making money I would have to have one of those jobs that take away from the family time and the need to learn since I would not have enough hours in the day to do all of that. I think that once I finish school and find that career I would be in better position to have that family time and commitment to never stop learning. I wouldn’t say that entrepreneurship is just about starting a business. I would say that it is partly that and partly about making your own decisions in both a personal and professional capacity. From the traits it looks like a businessman tries to have a family but is more about the job whereas an entrepreneur has more emphasis on the family instead of the business. I think that you can be an entrepreneur on your own terms because in the end it only matters what you think and not what someone else thinks. In the future, I would think that the more successful one or the happier one would be the one who thinks that they themselves are happy by their terms not someone else’s. But if I had to choose, I think that the entrepreneur would be the more successive one and be the happier one. The businessman is just someone who is trying to be successful in their career since that is first priority to them; but the entrepreneur’s first priority is his family and then his business. Both are equally important to him but his family would be the number one.